"Health Information": Understanding the risks of having high level of bad cholesterol is very important since knowing that can prevent us having serious health problems.Nowadays there have been many studies on the risk of having high Density Lipoprotein (LDL). In the study of good vs. bad cholesterol it’s all about ratios. The good cholesterol, which is the High Density Lipoprotein (HDL), needs to be high enough in relation to the bad cholesterol called Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL). When there is not the proper balance or LDL is just too high, then the arteries can become clogged with excess cholesterol and result is a condition where the arteries become hardened called atherosclerosis.
Scientists have long known that HDL does a good job of cleansing the arteries from the waxy buildup of too much LDL cholesterol in the blood. All cholesterol is linked with apolipoprotein, a molecule that carries the cholesterol through the body. HDL cholesterol has a form of Apo with it that is the ApoAl molecule. It is this molecule that makes HDL the great cleanser.
In human studies, injecting people who have high cholesterol and especially low levels of HDL, with ApoAl Milano the results were amazing. In just five weeks the participants were able to completely flush their arteries of the plaque buildup. The discovery that led to the research happened in the late 1970s when an Italian man with high blood fat, low HDL and high LDL still had clean arteries. After studying his close relatives and finding the same was true, doctors discovered a mutant form of ApoAl and dubbed it ApoAl Milano.
The next step to understanding how ApoAl works is to see if all versions of the molecule will be just as effective and the Milano variety. Early research indicates it may be, because of the positive response in animal studies.
Most people are not as genetically fortunate as to be able to maintain high levels of LDL and low HDL cholesterol and not have it negatively impact their arteries.
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